Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Santa's Magical Sleigh

There is nothing like a bit of play acting to feed a child's  imagination  . And this is the perfect time of the year, with children taking part in nativity plays.  perfect opportunity to teach children about the importance of caring and sharing. When I got an email informing me of this competition being run bymattressonline  of course I wanted my children to take part. The only problem was today was the last day. We had to get our thinking caps on and fast!
The children came up with the idea of a time travelling, magical sleigh. It allowed Santa Claus to go back in time to different eras, such as the Victorian time. Santa Claus helps make the life of unfortunate children such as Victorian chimney sweeps. He allows them to sleep on his sleigh and have magical dreams. This super sleigh travels all over the world spreading magic where it goes.
By the time the sleigh was completed Santa and his reindeer were too tired and decided to have a snooze. Santa needs his sleep too!
This is my entry to Super Santa Sleigh competition being run by mattress online.

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