Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

What does Christmas mean to me?
A time to have faith
A time to believe
A time of laughter,
A time of giving and of completely living
rejoicing in all there is.
How I love the colours,
decorating the Christmas tree.
And the prettily wrapped gifts,
placed safely underneath.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Santa's Magical Sleigh

There is nothing like a bit of play acting to feed a child's  imagination  . And this is the perfect time of the year, with children taking part in nativity plays.  perfect opportunity to teach children about the importance of caring and sharing. When I got an email informing me of this competition being run bymattressonline  of course I wanted my children to take part. The only problem was today was the last day. We had to get our thinking caps on and fast!
The children came up with the idea of a time travelling, magical sleigh. It allowed Santa Claus to go back in time to different eras, such as the Victorian time. Santa Claus helps make the life of unfortunate children such as Victorian chimney sweeps. He allows them to sleep on his sleigh and have magical dreams. This super sleigh travels all over the world spreading magic where it goes.
By the time the sleigh was completed Santa and his reindeer were too tired and decided to have a snooze. Santa needs his sleep too!
This is my entry to Super Santa Sleigh competition being run by mattress online.

Light Bulbles

Upcycling old light bulbs into baubles

It's the most wonderful time of the year is it not? It is lovely to see all the bright, colourful lights during these dark nights. It certainly helps lift my spirits. But then I am a colourful person. I like to be surrounded by beautiful colours.
There are so many opportunities to work with colour during the Christmas season. And so many creative things to do.
I love all things creative as you have probably already guessed by now. So when The lovely people at lightbulbsdirect asked bloggers to make baubles out of old light bulbs I just had to take part. I have never done anything like this before. I am a complete novice, but then I do like trying new things.
To begin with I gathered all the basic materials needed. I say basic because I tend to get more ideas as I work.

With my two little helpers, my kids I began work. We painted two of the light bulbs with white acrylic paint.

We painted  Christmas trees on one of these light bulbs. The other I used for the body of a Christmas fairy.  I drew a triangular shape on the bulb and spread on glue. And then let the kids loose with the glitter whilst I made the face and the wings. I had some silky cream coloured material from some old clothes. I used this for the face. I cut out to round shapes and stitched these together.
I used yellow yarn for the hair.

I cut out pieces of yarn and stitched these on the face. I put the fittings of the light bulb on the face and secured this with a loom band and some red yarn.
I cut the wings from white felt, spread craft glue on them and sprinkled them with silver glitter.

My little helpers spread craft glue on the other two light bulbs and covered them in glitter.
And here are my finished bulbles.

This is my entry to the light bulbs direct competition. More information can be found here:

Friday, 12 December 2014

Lofty Elephant bed

When I was a little girl I remember imagining what it would be like to sleep on a round bed that could spin. It makes me laugh when I think about it now. It shows what a vivid imagination I had as a child. I suppose all children have this quality. I know that my daughter definitely does. She has the strangest ideas sometimes!
When I saw that Silentnight were running a Design a Bed competition for bloggers I decided to put her imagination to the test. She is naturally very creative and a animal lover so I was not surprised with the ideas she came up with.
So here it goes then. This is my darling daughter's dream bed. The only problem is her room is tiny it would never fit it in there, if anyone had the will to create it!

This is how she describes her bed:
"This lofty elephant bed is fit for a king. You can store your bits and bobs in the trunk and pretty much anything else in the storage  boxes. There is a curtain at the bottom where you can create a den. The tail is a rope ladder to help you get to the top."

This Blog post is my entry to the Silentnight Design A Bed competition.